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Time Sled

Track time for tasks and projects, manual switch or track applications.


Paste your snippets and images to anywhere at anytime with many options.


Store image previews from CD/DVD. Categorize, search, build gallery.

Changes Saver

Add live history to your files. Backup every file change.

Batch Launcher

Create batches of applications and launch needed at anytime or at start up.

When pPurchasing Time Sled Team you will receive a letter with an URL to the distributive and unexpired license for 3 (three) users. Also you will receive all updates for a current major version for free. Additionally, registered users have more attentive and fast support. Suggestions from registered user have much better chances to be implemented in future Time Sled Team releases.

If you need additional user licenses you can purchase them separately. See our price here.

Special offer for Time Sled users: you can receive an additional user license for each of your Time Sled license.

The payment service for Time Sled Team is provided by RegSoft company. Do not get surprised by its logo on the order form.
Purchase Time Sled Team

with 3 (three) users license for $170
Request for additional users license

We need to verify that you have already purchased Time Sled Team. After verification you will receive link to the order page for Time Sled Team Users License.

From 1 to 4 users $28 per user
From 5 to 9 users $25 per user
From 10 to 19 users $22 per user
From 20 to 49 users $19 per user
From 50 users $16 per user